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Stress on this week

Today have a listening test on english class
I miss some ans in my test
When i fill up my ans paper
I feel very dispirited in that moment
Why I can become like that
I want get the highest mark
I wanna improve my english like British ppl
I have a idea for my future
That is I want study and live abroad few month and learn how to speech same with them
Babe , hope we can abroad together

Tmr have qt test , hope can smooth to complete it !! Jia you !!!


Whole day with ling Li

I spend on class and discuss assignment with group whole day with good friend ling Li . She's great and do anything very prudent.

My vacation sem break is coming soon , I very miss my family and my lover liyu , he say he'll back on Tuesday , then next day I can accompany him whole day , so happy! Pls , Wednesday come faster~ pls time can go Rush!

Yeah! Tmr I must done my all work then I can back relieve!
Hope it can smooth on the Today
I spend on class and discuss assignment with group whole day with good friend ling Li . She's great and do anything very prudent.

My vacation sem break is coming soon , I very miss my family and my lover liyu , he say he'll back on Tuesday , then next day I can accompany him whole day , so happy! Pls , Wednesday faster come~ pls time can go Rush!

Yeah! Tmr I must done all my work then I can back relieve!
Hope it can smooth on the way can go back early and no jam


hardworking on the homework

Today morning class on 10am
yesterday night very miss my lover
but no insomnia, very tired so make me can sleep
Today, i go class early to check again my work
i discover some thing i forget to do it
i ignore two question
but never mine la
miss say today do presentation our tutorial
i just say a little part only
haha, also very scare in front of the people

today heard some bad news
hope it is no real for him
hope next week holidays i can hug my lover and accompany him


restart again for my life.

i want to update my blog here
and change the langauge to english
cannot say Chinese , just only English

Today i discovery my english word very poor
may be will cause me fail all thing in my future
In oder to prevent unhappy thing happen
so i want to improve it and try my best to do!

In everyday i will try to write english dairy
last week, i heard something from my uni friend
she name ling li
i have a subject of assignment group with her
That is BE assignment
that assignment need to open a blog and promote our product
She write many thing in blog for our product
I always see her writing, may be i can follow her to try to write something and improve my poor english

i want to thanks my lover liyu sien jun
when i need a hug he always accompany by my side
when i need consolation , he will hug me and comfort me.
In future, anything else i need him to accompany to tide over difficult.
And important things is
i love u very much , my lover =))
